Six Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Ignore Your Leaking Shower

A leaky shower may not seem like a big problem, because often the water is quite easily contained in the shower and often won’t be a huge inconvenience at the start. However, ignoring the problem will most likely cause major issues down the road if left unfixed. If you’re unsure about what exactly these problems might be, then read on for our list of reasons for why you should deal with a shower leak as soon as you notice it.

Six Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Ignore Your Leaking Shower

  1. Leaks have a huge environmental impact. The average leaking shower drips around 10 times per minute. This all adds up to be a lot of water! Although each drop contains a tiny amount of water, this adds up to almost 2000 litres of wasted water per year. This has severe consequences for the environment, particularly during drought. Certain parts of Australia frequently go through periods of drought, so it’s important to preserve the water we do have.
  2. You could incur higher water costs. Every time your water is wasted, you pay more for your water bills than you should be paying. That 2000 litres of dripping water per year translates to a hefty increase in your bill that could be avoided by fixing your shower. It’s estimated that over the course of a year, a shower leak can use as much water as running a cycle on your dishwasher 60 times. Letting excess water down the drain is the same thing as literally throwing money down the drain, so don’t let yourself unnecessarily empty your wallet.
  3. Leaks are annoying! The sound of a leaking tap or leaking shower is annoying, and can be very disruptive to your sleep or study. This is especially true if your bedroom is beside the bathroom. Losing sleep over a constant dripping noise isn’t just annoying, but it can lead to wider health implications – such as an increased chance of anxiety and depression – caused by sleep deprivation.
  4. Leaks may create unsafe conditions. Leaks cause slippery surfaces which may be dangerous. Slips and falls are one of the most common reasons for injuries at home. These falls can sometimes have very seriously consequences, particularly for the elderly, frail and those with a physical disability. Ensure that you fix your leaks so you have safe, dry surfaces to walk on. After all, it’s better to be safe than sorry.
  5. Mould will grow. Bathrooms are the rooms in the home that are the most susceptible to the development of mould, because mould thrives in the humidity caused by showers and baths. A leaking shower will add even more moisture to the bathroom, encouraging the growth of even more mould. When mould becomes severe, drywall and tile will probably need to be removed and replaced in order to fully treat it. Some forms of mould can also be toxic, meaning that prolonged exposure may make you and your family sick.
  6. They cause structural problems. Prolonged damp conditions can result in a number of problems in your bathroom. If your bathroom walls are constantly wet, then your drywall will be at risk of rotting, making the framing more vulnerable to pest invasions, such as termites. Leaks can also cause aesthetic problems, as they often lead to stains on painted surfaces. They can also cause textural irregularities on walls, and may cause a bad smell.

Contact Elite Shower Repairs on 1300 035 483 to fix your leaking shower

If you’re seeing the early signs of a leak in your shower, be sure to give our friendly team at Elite Shower repairs a call so that we can help you deal with the situation before it gets worse. The last thing you want to do is get stuck with mould or extensive damage to the structural integrity of your bathroom. Fixing your leak as soon as it starts will save you not only hefty water and repair bills, but it will also save you a lot of stress in the long run. See our services: regrout showershower sealing Gold Coast.

Our team of professionals will quickly and efficiently repair any leaks you might have. Contact us today for a free, personalised quote, so that you can have peace of mind when it comes to your bathroom.